Thursday, February 25, 2016

People's Problem with Beyonce

Ever since Beyonce released her new song, "Formation", everyone have been giving their opinions about it. People either love it or hate it and it seems like there are more people that hate it more than the ones that love it. There are two issues with the song, when she performed at Superbowl 50 and the music video. The Superbowl 50 performance made people think that it was racist in some way. People thought that because she had all minority dancers with her and the lyrics that expressed herself and her ethnicity. The other problem was her music video and people think that she's anti-police but I don't see it. All she basically does is sit on top of a police car and I don't seem the harm in that. Now the police calls a boycott and refuse to assist her on her world tour because they feel some way about the video. I think the problem is that people weren't ready for Beyonce to come out with something that talks about her ethnicity and relates to the Black Live Matter movement,it caught people off guard. People are used to the "Single Ladies" and "Halo" Beyonce. She basically created music for everybody to enjoy and when she came out with this song that actually had a message and meaning. I personally think that people are over exaggerating and make a big deal out of everything.